Vagad Global School is a renowned co-educational boarding school located in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India that is known for its exceptional facilities, experienced faculty, and commitment to providing a comprehensive and holistic education to its students.
The school's 27-acre campus is filled with lush greenery, flora, fauna, and birdlife that offer students ample fresh air and green spaces. The hostels on campus are well-equipped with all the necessary amenities for students to live and thrive in a comfortable and nurturing environment.
Vagad Global School has a strong focus on fostering the natural abilities and interests of its students, and the professional teaching staff inspire children to follow their passions and interests. The school places equal importance on sports and extra-curricular activities to provide students with a well-rounded education.
The school offers a range of facilities and resources to ensure students receive the best possible education. These include science and computer labs, sports facilities, hygienic food, a 24x7 doctor on campus, competitive exam preparation, pick-up and drop facilities, a multipurpose hall, robotics and coding classes, as well as sports courts for football, archery, volleyball, cricket, basketball, and indoor and outdoor games.
In summary, Vagad Global School provides an outstanding education that nurtures the physical, intellectual, and emotional development of its students, enabling them to become successful and responsible members of society. If you're interested in learning more about the school or enrolling your child, you can visit their website at
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