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What are the benefits of going to Vagad Global School?

 Vagad Global School offers opportunities for children to go abroad and trains them in a way that makes it easier for them to survive in foreign countries. The school builds on the confidence of each child and boosts their morale whenever possible. This is one of the best things a boarding school can do for a child, and it is precisely what is done at Ivy International School as well.

There are numerous benefits to attending Vagad Global School. Children not only become independent but also gain exposure to a variety of extracurricular activities that were unheard of until recent years. They are given access to a new and open world of different languages, various sports, theater, music, swimming lessons, table manners sessions, and more. They receive the best education, hone their skills in various fields, learn sharing, tolerance, empathy, caring for each other, and, most importantly, they learn self-discipline.

Children become fluent in different foreign languages, and with fewer distractions in Vagad Global School, they spend their time developing their character in a positive way. They have limited access to televisions, phones, and video games, and they are often found playing physical games, learning a musical instrument, reading books in the library, or preparing for quizzes or other competitions.

Vagad Global School also promotes honesty, values time, and fosters respect for teachers, friends, and classmates. The child often interacts with classmates from different backgrounds, learning to respect and appreciate different cultures.


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